The Darkness 2

Publisher: 2k Games
Release: Spring
Four arms: it was so obvious. It must be galling for other shooter developers. They’ve spent decades since Doom trying to work out ways to innovate on the FPS model, to make shooting people feel fresh and interesting again. They’ve tried vast open worlds and they’ve tried hurling Hollywood-size production values at projects, but the Darkness II manages it by just giving anti-hero Jackie Estacado four arms.
Well. Technically he only has two arms. These are his normal limbs, functioning as arms do in games where arms are only necessary to hold guns and occasionally fire them at swarms of enemies. He also has two demonic snake-tentacles.
In the last Darkness game – an under-reported and enjoyable shooter sadly not released on PC – Jackie Estacado became the host for the titular ‘Darkness’, an eternally chaotic non-corporeal beastie that gladly took up residence in the young mobster’s brainpan. The Darkness, it’s understood, is about as old as humanity itself, every so often choosing a new host with just the right balance of psychotic amorality and poignant backstory.In game terms, it means Jackie grows two pitch-black snakes out of his shoulders that can be employed in firefights to munch on the vital organs of his enemies.We didn’t get The Darkness the first time round: a mob-set shooter into which mystical forces have imbued the central character with special abilities. Fortunately, its sequel is set to enlighten the PC. It includes ‘Quad-Wielding’, which allows players to slash, grab and throw enemies with two demon arms while simultaneously wielding two guns. You also get to tell imps when to murder your enemies from the shadows. Ace.At first, the four arms feel cumbersome. Jackie can already dual-wield all but the bulkiest shotguns and assault rifles, and The Darkness II’s guns by themselves make for a satisfying shooter. Even the weediest pistol has a powerful kick, and they’re almost comedically accurate over distance, lending Jackie a sense of overwhelming power that is consistently fun to direct toward your foes. But couple that with the option to whip the Darkness’s serpentine limbs into scuffles, and it seems too much to fit around one WASD-ing hand.But a few murders in, and I was surprised at just how quickly I’d managed to process the additional moves the limb graft gave me. Simplest of these is the Darkness’s ability to eat the hearts of fallen opponents, available with a tap of the R key. The leftmost snake-tentacle – the busier of the two throughout the game – whips forward and buries its improbably huge teeth in the chests of mutilated enemies. Scarfing down such man-offal gives Jackie a health boost, making the decision to chow down on a mid-fight snack tactical. At first, I’d eat my foe’s heart the second he slumped to the ground; later, as fights got tougher, I saved them, only launching my monstrosity chestwards when I was close to death.Heart-eating might be the Darkness’s simplest move, but impressively, it’s not the ickiest. Jackie also has a variety of execution moves he’s able to perform on staggered enemies. Throw a target off balance with a withering enough attack and they’ll stumble forward, their hearts and circulatory system picked out through their skin in shining white. Tap E and your tentacle friend will grab them, dangling them just in Jackie’s eyeshot, from where they can be eviscerated in a number of fascinatingly gruesome ways.To get a flavour of just how depraved some of these executions are, the most dignified is called ‘torso smash’ and has your inkyblack snake pal slam your chosen target so hard into the ground that his ribcage ruptures. At the other end of the taste spectrum is the sickening move that has the Darkness upend an enemy and delve into their rectum, before pulling their entire spine – skull attached – out of the expanded hole.