Cross of the Dutchman

After quite a few months of waiting, we’ve been gifted with the first gameplay trailer for Cross of the Dutchman. Considering the strength and style of the teaser trailer, the gameplay has a lot to live up to – prepare your first impression glands!
You’ll be living it out as the towering commander Grutte Pier in Cross of the Dutchman, so all of the traits of the legendary warrior are vital to capture correctly. Swinging a giant sword around in moments of slaughter and then fist pumping the air in celebration are fairly adequate ways of doing that we feel. Personally, we’d prefer if the combat was a little more visceral but considering that Triangle Stuidos are leaning more towards a child friendly game as can be contrived from the clean presentation, that would probably lose what they’re trying to capture.
Still, it looks like slashing away with that sword (it really is huge) and sending your foe flying through the air will be most entertaining. Presumably things will get quite a bit tougher in the game at other stages – we know that much of it will take place on the seas. Bearing in mind that this is still a work in progress, we can safely say that there’s already signs of polish.
If the gameplay trailer has incited you enough to want to buy the game, then there’s only seven days left on the Kickstarter project for you to do so!